Saturday, August 6, 2011

Story by Ryan and Sarah

The point of this game was to write two sentences, fold the paper, so that the next writer could only see the last line. Based off of this information, the writer must continue the story.

Here is the first of two stories:

(Sarah) It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Because this made no sense, everyone just decided this time was the best. Beth and Hutch were on a vacation across Euro pe. (Ryan)The trek across Europe was obviously going to be hard, especially, since Beth would ask for piggy-back rides every thirty minutes. However, Hutch did not care. The trek began in my homeland, actually our journey began in Edinburgh. But suddenly there was a change of plans. (Sarah) Hutch's flight was delayed by wild dragons, snakes on the plane, and Jell-o across the runway. What was to become of the trip? (Ryan) The better question is what is going to become of Hutch and Beth? The trip has been worthwhile; however, I heard the Romans still practice slavery. (Sarah) Hutch saw this as a great opportunity. He totally turned his back on Beth and sold her to a senile school teacher who would force Sarah to sell sea shells by the shore for the rest of her sucky life. Beth was furious! (Ryan) of course Beth was furious that I would not makeout with her. ha! I would have kissed her if she was a Roman. Hutch was a slave who aspired to overthrow the Romans. (Sarah) What Hutch did not realize is that there was no way he could overthrow the Romans because the senile school teacher had cursed him for being so mean to Beth. Hutch began to prepare provisions while in Florence. Naturally, he was distracted by the appealing leather man purses sold there. (Ryan) Hutch is in love with man purses; however, his new love is capris. As a slave, you cannot own any items such as capris, but Beth would allow Hutch to have them. Good thing Beth is soon to be noticed by Caesar as his daughter (Caesar tried to deny it for years, but he is the father). (Sarah) Beth was so happy to find the school teachers father. They quickly became so enthralled with singing opera about embracing each other that Beth was able to escape. Oh sweet freedom! Now, she just needed to get revenge on Hutch. (Ryan) Why would Beth want revenge? War, what is it good for...absolutely nothing. Love is a battlefield.

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